05 September 2012

Dermatologist Charlotte NC

Dermatologist Charlotte NC operate as a dermatology specialist outpatient dermatology consultants who have the experience and expertise to treat complex skin diseases in both their private and subsidized clinics.

As a tertiary health care institutions, Dermatologist Charlotte NC providing specialist dermatology services, educate medical students at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and research in dermatology.

Dermatologist Charlotte NC aspires to be a regional and national referral center for complex treatment of skin diseases. Dermatologist Charlotte NC has been recognized as a training center for dermatology skin specialists and paramedics at home and abroad through its education programs are active for undergraduates, postgraduates, professionals and the public.

Dermatologist services available in Charlotte NC:

Cosmetic Botulinum Toxin by Injection
Treatment with Carbon Dioxide Laser
Skin Exfoliation with chemicals
surgical Electric
Injectable Filler / Sculptra
Laser Procedure FraxelTM
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
Laser Hair Removal
Enforced Tahi Flies
Mohs Surgery
Non-Cultured Cellular Grafting for Vitiligo
Pigment Treatment with Laser Technology
Pulsed Dye Laser Treatment
Smoothbeam Diode Laser Treatment
Infrared Skin Tightening Procedure with Titan